Mamut Art Project’in 5. yılına özel oluşturulan “ikonz” sergisinde  her sanatçı popüler sanat tarihinde yer etmiş resimleri kendi tarzı ve çizgisiyle yorumlayacak. Krüw’ün espirili bakış açısının yanında seçilen ikon resimlerin sanatçısına bir saygı duruşu niteliği taşıyacaktır.

In the exhibition entitled “ikonz” designed specially for the 5th anniversary of Mamut Art Project, each artist 
will interpret iconic works in popular art history through his or her own style and lines. In addition to Krüw’s humorous perspective, the selected iconic works will also pay hommage to the original artists of these works.

Bertan Berkol  "Explorers", 50x33
Rene Magritte, Son Of Man, 1964

Burak Beceren  "Ma Milkshake", 35x50
Grant Wood, American Gothic, 1930

Burak Şentürk  "Do Ya want Some?", 50x44
Gustav Klimt, Death And Life, 1915


Bülent Gültek  "Bosch Park", 50x55
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden Of Earthly Delights Central Panel, 1495 - 1505


Can Dağlı  "Tısss", 50x20
Roy Lichtenstein, Whaam, 1963


Can Gürgül  "Lily", 50x23
Alphonse Maria Mucha, Lily, 1898


Cins  "Dali ve Löpçük", 45x55
Salvador Dali, Soft Self-Portrait With Fried Bacon, 1941


Derin Çiler  "Super Relativity", 50x50
M.C. Escher, Relativity, 1953


Cincinius  "KanKan", 50x35
Henri De Toulouse Lautrec, La Troupe De Mlle Eglantine, 1896


Elif Varol Ergen  "Education", 50x50
Albrecht Durer, The Woman Of The Apocalypse And The Seven-Headed Dragon, 1495


Ham  "The Destruction of Adam", 50x25
Michelangelo, The Creation Of Adam, 1512


Kaan Bağcı  "Horns", 50x50
William-Adolphe Bouguereau, The Oreads, 1902


Kaan Bilaloğlu  "Dance III", 50x35
Henri Matisse, Dance II, 1910


Moklich  "Only Lovers Left Alive", 50x35
Rene Magritte, Lovers, 1928


Murat Kalkavan  "The Race", 50x41
Pablo Picasso, Two Women Running On The Beach, 1922


Selin Çınar  "Welcome to Babel", 47x57
Pieter Bruegel, Tower of Babel, 1563

Tayfun Pekdemir  "Container" 50x40
Pablo Picasso, The Charnel House, 1945

Yavuz Öztürk  "İsimsiz", 50x35
Keith Hering, Untitled, 1984


Zez Eah  "Kuşkusuz Tomas", 50x55
Caravaggio, L'incredulita Di San Tomasso, 1602


Poster Design by Burak Beceren         

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